
Foundation by Isaac Asimov

“The snow had ceased, but it caked the ground deeply now and the sleek ground car advanced through the deserted streets with lumbering effort.”
-Foundation, Isaac Asimov

This was one of the books from my library haul a few days ago. This is the only book of the series that’s on my list of books to read, and I’m a little disappointed about that, because it was really good and the ending wasn’t the kind of ending where things are at least temporarily resolved, but the kind where it just kind of ends, and some events are resolved, but the bigger picture isn’t. But in this series, the bigger picture isn’t going to be resolved for quite a few books, I imagine. I wish the library had the rest of the books in the series, but if I remember correctly, they only had this one.Read More »

A Journey to the Center of the Earth

A Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne

So, for those of you who weren’t clued in by the title, this book is about a journey to the center of the earth. Shocker I know. The main character (Harry) and his uncle go on this journey because the uncle, a professor and mineralogist, finds a note from some notable somebody in this book he found that gave instructions to find the entrance to the center of the earth. Harry thinks his uncle crazy for believing the journey possible, but goes anyway. The instructions lead them to Iceland, where they hire a guide, Hans, who stays with them for the entire journey.Read More »

I, Robot

I, Robot by Isaac Asimov

I picked this book up on a trip to the local used bookstore near my campus without realizing that it was one of the books on my 1001 list. So that was a pleasant surprise when I recently went through the list to count how much of the list I’d already completed.

If you’re planning on reading this book solely because you loved the movie starring Will Smith, I have to warn you that the book is not at all like the movie. Seriously, the only similarities are the Three Laws of Robotics and the fact that there are robots and sometimes things go wrong with these robots. Also, there is no Will Smith. I know, it’s a tragedy. Read More »