
Complicity by Iain Banks

“You could climb up onto them and sit on the rusting iron grid – afraid it would give way but afraid to admit you were afraid –  and look down into that utter blackness, and sometimes catch the cold, dead scent of the abandoned gunned, rising up around you like some remorseless chilly breath.” Complicity, Iain Banks.

When browsing my local library with the titles of 32 books on the list of 1001 in my hand, I came across this one and thought, as more of a mystery novel, it would be a good change of pace from the general fiction books I seem to be reading a lot of lately. The book gives you two points of view. We start off the book with the mystery murderer in Second Person POV, and then each chapter get a little section from him as we see him murder (or occasionally just assault) yet another person he believes has done wrong. For most of the book, though, we follow Cameron Colley, a journalist who has been receiving tips from a mysterious Mr. Archer about some suspicious suicides and a conspiracy plot. Read More »