Treasure Island

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

I started this book well over a month ago, but then the end of the semester got really busy for me. Then once everything was done and over with and I was back home, it was hard for me to focus on it again because it felt like I was starting the book halfway through, and it took me a while to remember everything I’d read a month ago.Read More »

A Journey to the Center of the Earth

A Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne

So, for those of you who weren’t clued in by the title, this book is about a journey to the center of the earth. Shocker I know. The main character (Harry) and his uncle go on this journey because the uncle, a professor and mineralogist, finds a note from some notable somebody in this book he found that gave instructions to find the entrance to the center of the earth. Harry thinks his uncle crazy for believing the journey possible, but goes anyway. The instructions lead them to Iceland, where they hire a guide, Hans, who stays with them for the entire journey.Read More »